Real Estate Investing: How to Do Analytics?

By | May 5, 2024

Types of real estate investing

At the first stage, it is necessary to determine which type the chosen real estate belongs to. This can be easily done, even by a beginner. There are several types:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Mixed-Use Developments
  • Special Purpose Real Estate
  • Raw Land
Real estate investing
Real estate investing

Real estate market analysis

Financial analysis of the real estate market

Real estate investing won’t have clear prospects unless thorough financial analysis is conducted. To achieve this, it’s necessary to assess the potential profitability of the investment and consider all risks. Conducting an analysis of expected cash flows, calculating investment return metrics and profitability ratios, which are indicators of profitability, are crucial steps. It’s also essential to evaluate the costs of maintenance and repairs of the property. Therefore, before investing, it’s significant to thoroughly examine its condition.

Analysis of real estate investing risks

Investing in real estate, like any other type of investment, also carries certain risks. These risks can be explicit or hidden, meaning not obvious. Changes in demand or supply in the market can affect the value of real estate, both decreasing and increasing. Additionally, the need for repairs or modernization can impact the profitability of the investment. Changes in legislation or specific political decisions can significantly impact the real estate market. Economic fluctuations such as recessions or inflation can significantly impact the financial capabilities of tenants, which in turn will modify profitability. And in some cases, there may be periods of vacancy, meaning a period of time when there is simply no tenant for the property.

It’s also important not to forget about legal risk. This includes risks related to property rights. Disputes with tenants or even legal proceedings can be costly and may last for a long period of time.

Soil, water, or air pollution can significantly impact the income from real estate investment. Moreover, they will affect not only the presence of tenants but also decrease the value of the property. Additionally, the absence of job opportunities significantly reduces the value of real estate.

Real estate investing has quite a few risks, but most of these risks investors can minimize, and it’s also necessary to always have financial reserves.

Assessment of possible cost growth

A significant portion of real estate investing involves buying a property with the intention of modernizing or repurposing it. Investors who purchase neglected properties at a low cost, then renovate them and sell at market value, can make a good profit. In just a few months, they can increase the value of the property several times over. Another excellent method is when investors buy, for example, a warehouse and change its purpose to a store or another more expensive type of property. It’s also important to consider the city’s development plan or the increasing popularity of the area.

Is it worth investing in real estate?

Absolutely, it’s worth it. Real estate investment is one of the best types of investing in alternative assets. This type carries enough risks and has low liquidity, meaning it cannot be quickly converted into cash, but you get a real property asset that will generate a steady income in the form of rent.

What types of real estate properties are best to invest in?

Does real estate have high liquidity?

Real estate assets typically have low liquidity compared to other types of assets. Selling real estate can take significant time and effort to find a buyer and complete the transaction. Additionally, the value of real estate can be determined based on a variety of factors that may be difficult to assess, making the selling process challenging. However, under certain circumstances, such as high popularity and demand in the real estate market, some properties may have higher liquidity. Therefore, when investing in real estate, it’s important to take this into account.

Where to get funds for real estate investing?

This question is always relevant for everyone. So here is a list of the main sources.

  • These are one’s own funds that can be used to purchase real estate without relying on external sources of financing.
  • An investor can use loans or mortgages to acquire real estate. This could be a commercial loan, a mortgage loan, or a personal loan.
  • Real estate investment funds pool money from investors and invest it in various real estate properties. Investors receive a share in the fund proportionate to their investment.
  • REITs are companies that invest in various types of real estate and distribute rental income to shareholders in the form of dividends. Investing in REITs can be done by purchasing shares on the stock market.
  • Raising funds from a group of investors for joint property purchases. Investors can contribute their share of funds and receive returns from rental income or property sales according to their contribution.

How does location impact the profitability of real estate investments?

The location is one of the key factors influencing the profitability of real estate investing. The starting point, accessibility to infrastructure, the development level of the area, the prestige of the location, and the potential for future growth are all significant. For instance, property in the center of a major city or in a prestigious neighborhood usually comes at a higher cost but may command higher rental income or selling price, resulting in higher profitability. On the other hand, remote areas or those lacking infrastructure may have lower costs and profitability.

What are the potential risks associated with real estate investing?

When we invest, we always hope that everything will go smoothly, but that’s not always the case. I’ve listed some scenarios that require special attention.

  • Changes in the economy, demand for real estate, and other factors can affect property prices and their profitability.
  • Selling real estate can take a significant amount of time and require additional expenses.
  • Changes in legislation, such as tax changes or new rental rules, can impact the value and profitability of real estate.
  • Building problems, technical failures, or the need for repairs can require additional expenses and alter the profitability of the investment.
  • Real estate may remain vacant for a period of time, resulting in loss of income.
  • Changes in interest rates can influence the cost of loans or the profitability of rentals.

What are the tax implications of real estate investing?

The tax implications of real estate investing can vary depending on the country and specific circumstances. However, some common aspects include taxation of rental income, property tax, capital gains tax on the sale of real estate (if applicable), as well as potential additional taxes or fees, such as property tax for foreign investors. It’s important to seek professional tax advice before starting real estate investing.